Sunday, December 28, 2003

Happiest of happy damned holidays...

So. It happened. I finally got attacked by the Christmas spirit. And I even bought a coupla presents. I checked the date - and lo-and-behold, I was right on schedule; December 15th as predicted. Have to admit, though, I'm still not so keen on the Christmas carols. I know, I know. I'm a scrooge. But at least I admit I'm a scrooge. I love giving gifts - just not big on holiday-themed muzak that starts creating ear-worms over Halloween weekend. Because, yes folks, that's when the assault started this year.

My excuse can be that I'm heading to the exotic world of India for the holidays. So, while worrying about how the dreaded Dysentery Diet is going to affect me...only to find out that Hannah's Hieney needs to bring its own toilet paper - ! - because it's just not available in India.getting various vaccinations, and collecting various packages and items 'round town for my mother (just ASK me about the "bag of babies" and the uterus - I dare you!), I haven't had much time to be feel-good and get in the mood. The Christmas mood, that is.

I did have time for reflection, though, commuting to work on my glorious L Train the other day. I've had a really good year. One that I can look back on and be really proud of. Proud for making the more difficult personal and professional decisions and following my heart. Proud of the woman I am and am constantly becoming. So incredibly proud of our little 6-pack of Worker Bees in the NY office...what a feat we pulled off, y'all. Certainly makes me excited to see what a more-settled 2004 will bring! Ah...the anticipation of my 30th year!

And of course, then there's you...the "general public," otherwise known as my nearest and dearest. Thank you. Not just for your support and friendship, but for your honesty and the swift kicks to the backside when I needed them. The hugs, the tears, the words, the's all been welcome whether or not I've conveyed that to you. Yes, a lot of personal growth comes from within, but the unconditional support of a network - friends, family, et al - is invaluable. So, I feel a heartfelt thank you and reminder that you're the best is in order.

Thank you!

I was rereading an all-time favorite book of mine recently. The idea was to read it and mark all the passages that resonated with me in order to pass it on...a little insight into the heart and mind of me, if you will. (Yes, only mildly terrifying, I know!) I came across a passage that I wanted to share.

"Sometimes you meet yourself on the road before you have a chance to learn the appropriate greeting. Faced with your own possibilities, the hard part is knowing a speech is not required. All you have to say is yes."

Pearl Cleage, What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day (p149)

It always reminds me of how scary it can be to see the "real" you - the you that you want to be, but you're not quite sure if you have the courage, the money, the qualifications, the _____ (insert insecurity here). It's frightening! But, you know what, it's also incredibly rewarding. And freeing. If there's one decision that I'm terribly proud of making in the
last year, it's that I took the leap.and found my net in New York. I followed my heart. And it petrified me - truthfully! But I listened the "voice" that said it was my path. I hope you listen to your own voices. They can be right!

So, I'm out. So is 2003. And, 2004, here we come! I'm excited on many levels. Stay tuned for pix from the Ashmore Excursion in India. Stay tuned for my marathon progress (oy vey!). Stay tuned for updates on the Romancing of Hannah. (slipping that one in there to make sure you're paying attention!)

Oh - in case I hadn't passed the word along, I've got a weblog - aka blog - goin' if you're interested in keeping up with my goings-on. Check it out: Bookmark it and come back often!

Other than that, have a safe and incredibly happy holiday season.may all your dreams come true!

Much love and I'll see you in the new year,
Kali & Maverick send canine snuggles!

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