Sunday, October 18, 2009

Apparently, I have a lot to say...

1. My dogs are just as excited about the beets as I am. When I asked who was gonna skin 'em, though, the 'conversation' reminded me a lot of the "when are you gonna rub *my* belly?" question I ask nearly every morning. Again, I get gypped.

2. I love my new shower irrationally. From the water pressure, to the output, to the heat it. It's the little things, kids.

3. If my period (full-disclosure, folks, sorry) doesn't start soon, I swear to G-O-D my boobs are, quite literally, no exaggeration, going to explode. I understand cycles come in waves and no two are alike and that, this time, it's all about purge/release/transition, but for fuck's sake. Davvero.

4. I'm going to cheer on a bunch of my running friends tomorrow in the Detroit Free Press Half/Marathon. I had planned on running it, but, well, we all know how the best laid plans...blahblahblah.

5. So, my next 'on-the-schedule' race is the NOLA half. Anyone in? Guess that means I'll have to start running again...

6. I think that the main reason I'm not getting sick in the midst of all these flu-y people is that I'm religious about my raspberry-flavored Emergen-C. Could be bullshit. Could be 716% psychosymatic. Don't care...'cuz I'm not sicky.

7. I hate, loathe, and despise folding clothes. And the unpacking fairy has failed to report for duty. A-GAIN. She should be fired.

8. Halloween's my favorite holiday. And I have to work. FML?

9. I need some cables to connect my ancient TV to my DVD/VCR player so I can watch my old school stuff. Anyone got some I can snag?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

And she said, "Dude. It's time."

Swift kick in ass. Well-intentioned message from delicious friend who knows all...and knows me well. And all I can say is, "You're right."

Ok, VanO, I accept the challenge. Anyone with me?

Rediscovering the Old.

More than just re-discovering and getting back to parts of that are age-old familiar - like the being a bookworm, cooking, etc., I'm finding things in my Boxes of Stuff (and I've got, um, lots).

- all my stilettos that I forgot I had (this notsogirliegirl does indeedy have a girlie-girl side!)
- books I've wanted to read for years
- my great-grandmother's red, swing coat that I *LOVE* and my grandmother's 'Sherlock Holmes' cape.
- tchochke of the "meaningful" kind (although, I guess it's all meaningful to the owner, eh?)
- clothes, clothes, and more clothes...cheese'n'rice I've got a shitload of stuff that I forgot about. And now I just need a social life - TIME for a social life - so I can actually wear it all!

...but I did wear the sassy hot pink, kitten heel ankle boots last night! L-O-V-E those shoes and I'm thrilled that I didn't lose one post-Vegas. They were dubbed my 'F*%& Me, Mary Poppins' boots last night. heh.

Yay rediscovery!

Pearl and almost Normal.

1. I'm staying home - shock! - and cooking...beets (red *and* white), spinach to add to my dinner, and spaghetti squash for tomorrow. Anyone know if beet greens are edible?

2. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it - wet dog food smells nasty, even the 'better' quality shizzle. And it's a testament to how committed I am to making this an 'easy' transition for my dawgs that I spend a half hour every few days stuffing kongs and old marrow bones with nasty-assed wet dog food.

3. For all my fellow Scrabble addicts, didja know you can take CLASSES in Scrabble strategy? How fun is that?! Weird, but fun.

4. I'm fat. And tired. And I need new jeans. And I'd love more time/energy to run/work out. But I am happy. I love my new space!

5. I haven't lived by myself in 7 years...and I'd forgotten how fun it is. Walking around naked, just outta the shower, makin' coffee? Delish.

6. I can tell I'm on a 'Path of Rejuvenation.' How come?! Well, I'm super interested in growing and nurturing plants again, I have brainspace to read books (!!), and I'm cooking every other day or so...all on my list of Fave Things to Do Ever, but all things that I haven't had much time, space, or desire for in the last while (don't ask me to define 'while,' please).

7. I even have the urge to write...and use my brain. No, no. Please don't fall over dead. I know it's been a while. 'tis true, though.

8. So, I'm 85% unpacked in my Ypsi-tucky residence. Never would've thought I'd stick around this neck o' the woods, but it feels good...and right.

9. I love that I live on Pearl Street at *almost* Normal. Parfait, n'est-ce pas?