Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where are all my blogger friends?!

Y'all suck. Oops...that's not very positive reinforcement oriented, eh?

All my blogger friends - where are you? None of you have posted anything lately...I need food for thought. I need inspiration. I need something to keep me entertained!!!

Blogs to recommend? Seeing as *my* friends don't have much to say....


So, I thought that my Brooklyn address was awesome:

123 South 4th Street

But my new address is funnier methinks:

Pearl and almost Normal.

Sweet, effin' Baby Jeeeeeesus...

What a month. I'm tired. Between training for my new/2nd job, working original job, apartment hunting, apartment moving into, packing/unpacking, laundry, moving storage units, and trying to find some time to sleep...well, shit, I'm lusting for a day off.

Haven't had one in over 2 weeks and there's not one in the foreseeable future. But ya know what? 'S'all good. I'll make it...and make some bank, too. Which is the point, yah?

That said, as of October 1st, I'm going to give up giving up my workouts. No more excuses. I haven't run in a gazillion years (I did just unpack my sneaks, tho). I haven't been to the gym in at least a couple of weeks. And I'm eating on-the-fly, in my car, so I'm turning into Fast Food Nation. Thank goodness I don't have to have a full physical right now - FAIL!!!

More than anything, I'm ready to be nestled into the Cute New Apartment and finding time to reconnect with my books - so many to read! - and spend the next couple weeks Netflixing, reading, and cooking.

I apologize in advance for my disappearance...but you can find me at Pearl and Almost Normal (my address - perfect, right?) if you really want to.


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Tuesday. Tuesday. Why are there no songs about Tuesdays?!

1. Friends of mine are producing The Alaska Ride to benefit an AIDS Charity of your choice. I kinda wanna crew it...head back to Alaska for an extended trip, do some good, and be 'working' in a way that I love and is super familiar. Anyone in?

2. I'm loving this weather. LOVing it.

3. I'm shallow enough to really, *really* love throwing down a 40-point, 3- or 4-letter word in Scrabble. LOVE it.

4. I'm trying really hard to break some old patterns, but it's not always easy. In fact, I think the only way I can really remember to stick with the New Me is to indelibly mark myself again (tattoos, y'all). Not kidding.

5. Is already 1/3 finished in the crocheting of a new blanket. That means fall's around the corner and I'm about to start nesting.

6. I've got an escape artist dog who might be sidelining as a phantom. She got out of another fully-enclosed area yesterday...2nd time in a month and I really *don't* know how. She's too old (14 1/2) to jump the fences and not quite skinny enough to squeeze through. Theories are welcome, but I think she's just turning into a ghost momentarily.

7. Some days I wonder if I'll ever grow up. Then I wonder about the true definition of 'grown up'...and realize that I might have pieces of it already embedded, but I'll always be a big goofball (and fun!). At least I won't be boring.

8. I think I need another cup of coffee. But, more importantly, I'm having a kick ass hair day!

9. It's official - I'm an Ypsi-tucky-ite. I'm going to sign my lease tomorrow!!!!