Thursday, March 19, 2009

I shrunk!

My cousin will love this. Especially because it means that she might not be 6'1" like we've been saying all these years. (Kidding, Daily!) So, I went to the Doctor's office last week for a well visit/check-in thingie. Of course they weighed me (I liked the number!) and then they measured me.

Guess what?! I shrunk. True, it was at the end of the day and my spine had probably compressed some from the morning...but I was 'only' 5' 8 1/2" instead of the 5' 9 3/4" I've been saying I am. Huh.


1. Really?

2. Coming out of 'retirement' has been hard on the bod. And energy level. And brain.

3. Yep, it's also official that I fell off the wagon - the training wagon. I'm going to be doing a long run today that I was supposed to do on Sunday. And I haven't exactly done the short runs either. Oh well. I'm hoping that starting our running group will help hold me accountable.

4. What running group? Well, Team Tiara, of course. It's a bunch of Ann Arbor area-ites who're all getting together to train, socialize, as well as fundraise for the local Girls on the Run council. Pretty cool, eh? The first race we're training for is the Dexter-Ann Arbor collective...yes, I'm doing the half! Wanna run with us?!

5. I might be heading back to the breast cancer world for a brief stint. Stay tuned!

6. I'm plotting and scheming and planning and playing and all sorts of fun stuff.

7. I find out Tuesday when I'm going in for surgery. Boo. I *still* find it highly ironic that I got a damned hernia at the LEAST ACTIVE time in my life. Davvero.

8. I'M SO READY FOR SPRING. I'm ready to not be wearing a gazillion layers. I'm ready for sunshine and warm weather. I'm ready to play outside...and run outside. I'm ready for pedicured toes. I'm NOT ready to have to shave my legs all the time, though.

9. My Christmas Cactus is lookin' all sorts of gorgeous. Tons of new growth and another flower! Yes, it's the little things in life that I find the most interesting these days.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring is springing!

And I need a springtime crush. I need a 'reason' (no, wouldn't be the ONLY reason, duuuuh) to keep running and want to get into my bikinis this summer. Anyone wanna nominate themselves? Or someone they know?!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

no time for thinking. really.

1. It occurred to me recently that I've done it all backwards. I started out super responsible and career-oriented in my early 20s. Became UBER career-oriented in my late 20s. And have been actively invested in becoming less responsible as I added years after 30. Really. Dogs. Events. And now waitressing. Really, really.

2. I've given up finding "just a job." There are reasons why I wasn't 'given' one...I'm not meant to have one. Fine! (Kells, I think of you EVERY time I say that. Fine!)

3. I also think of my delicious, amazing friend kelly every time anything involves a fart. Just farts!!!

4. I'm actively plotting a return to the East Coast. Yes, I know I can make it happen...or not.

5. I need a workout partner. I've found running I just need someone who's a member of the same gym as me. And considering the majority of members at this gym are, um, senior...well, I might have an interesting situation on my hands. Really.

6. Ev's becoming the non-bionic woman now that she's had her plate removed from her wrist. I'm gonna be having some mesh put in my belly - what Superhero does that make *me*????

7. It's official. I have an "indirect inguinal hernia." Yep, the kind that mostly men get - as in 97% of cases are male...and it all stems from testicle droppage. Seeing as I am not male (really) and have never had testicles in my body, much less dropping testicles, well, I'm a little disturbed at my ability to herniate. Really.

8. I'm channeling Ev - Really. I can't stop using it all over the place. It's become punctuation. Really. Really!!!!

9. Seriously, if any of y'all have access to Bells Beer, drink it. My new fave is the Hop Slam (obviously hoppy - but also a higher alky-hawl content).

I'm trying to adjust to my new, all-over-the-place schedule. Will write as and when I can...but I'm retardedly tired. Really. (Love the Ev!)