Tuesday, September 05, 2006

and so it goes...

and so it goes...
Current mood: disappointed
Category: Life

1. i found a new 'fave space' in nyc today...alice and i went exploring and it's a lovely quiet space amid the hubbub that is lower manhattan. i have a feeling i'll be frequenting it often - it suits the quiet space i'm in in life.

2. two weeks of no drinking. i know!! who AM i? no, there's no reason, no 'true' ulterior motive...i just don't want to right now.

3. i love the temperature of fall. typically, i don't like the idea of this particular season, but this year, i do. i'm in a very fall place - quiet, in flux, hugely introspective, little pieces of me are dying (and not in bad ways).

4. i couldn't tell you the last time i had a nightmare...it's been years. until last wednesday night, though. it was horrible. truly horrible. i still haven't made sense of it just yet. and i'm not sure that i'll like the answers i'll stumble into.

5. in addition to not drinking, i might join my galpal sasha and go on a 3 month 'men hiatus'...through thanksgiving. seriously. no, i haven't been dating. or even making out. but i have been allowing myself to not be 100% true to myself - my intuition, my wants, and the like. so, i think i need to sign some sort of 'nunnery' contract....anyone have one lying around???

6. BELIEVE YOU ME, when you give yourself space and permission to receive the answers, the Universe will indeed deliver. it might shock the shit outta you, cause your body to go into shock, but you certainly will draw the hardest line in the sand that you ever have. i gave myself space to sit on 'the razor's edge' with some really hard questions lately. gave myself permission to not have to hunt down the answer immediately....and guess what was given to me on a silver platter? you're right. the Universe came through. unfortunately, this wasn't the best news i've ever received...but the Universe reminded me that i haven't been listening.

well, i am now.

7. i hate it when i can't sleep and i really, really, really need to be work-productive tomorrow. i was house-productive today, so i won't have that excuse tomorrow. but i will be tired and groggy if i can't pass out soon. argh!

8. i'm done reading 'real' books for the rest of the week. bring on the chicklit - the candace bushnell or bergdorf blondes or sandra effin' brown!!!

9. i want more tattoos. not for the garden, but random, little(r) ones...meaningful in different ways.

ps i'm not gonna talk about it, but those of you 'in the know'...the j-free clock starts again today. what am i not gonna talk about? why it stopped counting *and* why it has to be restarted. please don't ask, just know that i KNOW i know better....