Monday, August 22, 2005

= funambulism...

word o'the day:

funambulism \fyoo-NAM-byuh-liz-um\ noun
1 : tightrope walking
*2 : a show especially of mental agility

love it!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

is 'zaftig' ever a compliment?

Main Entry: zaf·tig
Pronunciation: 'zäf-tig, 'zof-Function: adjective
Etymology: Yiddish zaftik juicy, succulent, from zaft juice, sap, from Middle High German saf, saft, from Old High German saf -- more at SAPof a woman : having a full rounded figure : pleasingly plump

So, I was recently called 'zaftig' and, I must admit, I'm having issues...several of them, in fact. According to my friend, the true definition is having a full figure. According to social lore, zaftig is the polite form of calling someone chubby.

Now, I know that I no longer have the low 19% body fat that I had at 16 or 17, but I really don't think of myself as chubby. I've got bosoms (again, we're being polite here, right?), a juicy hind end, and a buddah belly that's been around since forever - always had a slight belly even with hardly any fat. But does that make me chubby? 'Zaftig' rather... Are men I date "chubby chasers"???

I'm a lifelong athlete, dancer, and yoga-head. I'm truly struggling with seeing my body image as fat. grrrr. hisssss.

Thoughts? Those of you who know me...please be honest. I'm struggling here...