Monday, January 13, 2003

All tucked and sound...and mostly warm!

Well, I'm here. It's been just over a week and I *still* don't think I've thawed out. However, minus the snowy, way-too-wintery weather the payoffs are HUGE. I guess I can tolerate snow and frigid, breath-taking weather in order to have access to my newfound professional dream and one of the biggest, baddest, rarin'-to-go cities in the world.

As some of you know, the trip up here was fairly horrendous. Rain, sleet, snow, general yuckiness. A sleepless night in a hotel in Richmond - yes, I *know* their house burned down, but that's no reason your kids have to run up and down the hallway at 2am - ! - and stand outside my window trying to get my dogs to bark!!! Second day of driving...even nastier. And just YOU try to find a hotel in Newark that'll take you and your two dogs under their wing. What a challenge. If it hadn't been for Carol, my VP Guardian Angel, passing me on to our new travel agency where Guardian Angel #2 had me a room in minutes at the Hilton, I'd have been a very sad/angry/frustrated Hannah sleeping in her car by the side of the road. Instead, we snuggled up on the king-sized bed and slept like babies....after trying out the elevator for the first time. Yep, another first for Kali & Mav - elevator riding and hotel-staying. All said and done, they were FABULOUS!

So, a couple of days to went the City Chick on the train, bright and early for a couple - long - days of training. Tons of information, lots to do, eager beavers ready to start (there are actually THREE of us hired now, so it's not just me!)...and then we learned something about New York City. Who knew that it can take 4-6 weeks to get a phone line installed? Long story short, our first week of work was spent sans phone lines OR computers! It's been a looooooooong time since I've done nothing but cold-call...and on a borrowed phone line (from the people we're sharing an office with) no less!

At the end of the day, this is definitely where I'm meant to be. I feel comfortable in the city and the commute isn't so bad. The dogs are doing AMAZINGLY well - thanks to my friends Lisa and Mike for not only being excellent hosts, but thanks to their profession that lets them come home during the day to let all the stinkers out (they have a pooch, too, so Mav's in dog-heaven w/a live-in playmate!). This is truly the best transition to date. Not only that, but professionally I've found the precise spot I'm meant to be at this precise time in my life. I'm SO thankful for the last year...and that I was given the opportunity to take the time to figure out where my foot would land in the next step I took forward. Thanks to all those out there who have supported, hand-held, offered shoulders and hugs, and especially to my parents....I know you're supposed to worry, but this cat landed on her feet - mostly - again!

So, off I go to explore this amazing city, dive into my new job, establish myself in a community, and continue becoming the woman I'm meant to be. I hope y'all will continue join me on this roller coaster....

much love and many kisses,

PS Don't forget about that thing called keeping in touch, 'k???

"You get in life what you have the courage to ask for."
- Oprah Winfrey