Wednesday, January 31, 2007

random, but wonderful

who knew that Staples was such a cool company? check this out. AND the 'free delivery' offer is typically only for $50-worth of goods, but i ordered only $30-worth of recycled goods and my delivery was free.

in our 'inconvenient truth'-ed world, it's nice to know that there ARE ways that we can all try to give back to Mother Nature while we're also keeping our businesses's even nicer (such a crap word for such do-gooding) that there are businesses out there that 'get it.'

please support staples...and other companies like it. (just wait til seventh generation REALLY gets goin'!)

ramblings of a tired blonde...

1. finding religion in port authority? is it the new year? are all the various religous you-really-should-convert folks out in force? or is it just me? 'cuz they've swarmed the good ol' PA...seriously. everywhere. of all different denominations. please, make them go away - i just want to commute in peace.

2. 'freelancer' is just another word for round-the-clock-worker.

3. i might not be quite as ready to be a parent as i thought i might be. which i find hilarious because i STILL have people in my life who find it amazing that i even WANT to be a mom some day...much less an 'old-fashioned' stay-at-home mom. (yes, crawford, i mean you.)

4. i want to live in manhattan starting in 2007.

5. i still want more tattoos.

6. i truly have lost a pants size in the last calendar year.

7. you can indeed teach an old dawg new tricks - just ask the kali gal...we're working on 'wave.'

8. i'm in love with this book and am flying through it. it resonates on SO many levels! pick it up!!!

9. orange is a powerful color for me. i thought i started wearing orange - a color that used to make me rather uncomfortable for YEARS - very recently, as in only when i bought a BRIGHT orange pair of 'khakis.' and then it hit me: it's been creepin' in for years and i never even realized. (anyone who's ever read or learned anything about color therapy will know what i mean...)

...and a PS - i'm going to start keeping a gratitude journal. thanks, ms. oprah, for reminding me.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

interesting manifestation...

so, i saw russell simons today in soho. he was talking on the phone, standing on a stoop...random and very new york. and why is this of interest? well, oddly, he's crossed my thoughts a couple of times in the last few weeks. why? i thought i saw him once a while back, i saw his wife somewhere, and, apparently, i manifested him.

crazy, eh? my list of celeb sightings continues to grow...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

i'm going straight to (sneaker) hell...

i'm a hypocrite. totally, utterly, completely a hypocrite. see, i used to work in the 'training' bidness - training folks to walk long distances. said training would inlcude helping them prepare gear-wise...starting from the ground up. literally.

we'd start with the sneakers: properly fitted ones recommended for each individual and their walking style by a knowledgeable third party. we'd recommend buying at least a couple pairs as even a 'good' pair of sneakers will only last for about 300-500 miles - the equivalent of 3-6 months worth of training.

so...get this, i have a fave pair of sneakers - go new balance! and i won't even begin to HINT how old they are. seriously. but i looked at them today, really looked at them and realized that, um, well, they're WELL PAST their worn by date. and i'm a hypocrite. why? because i should have thrown them out ages ago - there's NO support in them any more. and i can't. i. just. can't. i love them.

...but i'm going to go buy sneakers this week. i HAVE to! betcha they'll be new balance.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

43 Things...

So, by now you've probably realized I'm a list-maker...I love them. One that I made for 2007 was based on something I read in my most recent Outside magazine (I know, I know...I'll shut up about it someday).

In a section called 'Help Yourself,' there's a blurb from the founder of 43 Things. I really, really like the idea of creating a list of the 43 things in life you are COMPELLED to do to fulfill your sense of self. No, not just things you'd like to get around to, or feel you 'need' to - but things that resonate at a guttural, instinctive level.

What does that include for me? Well, there's the simple ("simple" - ha!) things like finding a life partner and having babies. There's also going to an elephant orphanage in Africa for a substantial period of time. Hell, just going to Africa in GENERAL! It's a continent that's resonated with me since I was a wee lass...

So, go make your list of 43 things. Tailor it as necessary - life goals, 2007 goals, whatever...go forth and live your dreams!

Monday, January 08, 2007

I love this song!

My new crush - John Legend. AND he can croon! This song struck me as particularly poignant and, yes, it does remind me of someone:

Ordinary People
Girl I'm in love with you
This ain't the honeymoon
Past the infatuation phase
Right in the thick of love
At times we get sick of love
It seems like we argue everyday

I know i misbehaved
And you made your mistakes
And we both still got room left to grow
And though love sometimes hurts
I still put you first
And we'll make this thing work
But I think we should take it slow

We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow
This time we'll take it slow

This ain't a movie no
No fairy tale conclusion ya'll
It gets more confusing everyday
Sometimes it's heaven sent
Then we head back to hell again
We kiss then we make up on the way

I hang up you call
We rise and we fall
And we feel like just walking away
As our love advances
We take second chances
Though it's not a fantasy
I Still want you to stay

We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow
This time we'll take it slow

Take it slow
Maybe we'll live and learn
Maybe we'll crash and burn
Maybe you'll stay, maybe you'll leave,
maybe you'll return
Maybe another fight
Maybe we won't survive
But maybe we'll grow
We never know baby youuuu and I

We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow (Heyyy)
We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow
This time we'll take it slow

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The power of friends...

I have some truly wonderful friends. I hope they know how appreciated their presences are in my life! Some of my wonderpals and I got together for dinner on Friday night and I was reminded why it's fun to go out with folks you have much in common with, whose senses of goofball humor are in line with yours, and, well, sex talk.

I miss being able to dish the dirt and all the details and this was my hardiest group o'gals! 'Twas a fun night indeed and so terribly necessary - for ALL of us. Maybe one of these days I'll even be able to contribute to the dishing of the dirt again...but, then, I have to get back in the dating game, eh? Ick. Rethinking that one...

And stay tuned for another soiree extraordinaire for a Gaffinator Gal's birthday. We're talkin' hotels and sassy bar crawls...and that's just for starters!!

hot water bottles...

I was chatting with my mother this evening about all kinds of random things - my hectic schedule, my putting more thought into what i really 'want to do with my life,' and the like. The conversation turned to hot water bottles and how it's nearly imPOSSible to find one on this side of the pond that's covered and not just the solid rubber bottle. Sometimes we're just too British for our own good, right?!

My comment to my mom was that I didn't have just one hot water bottle, but two. She paused for a second, before asking where I managed to find them. I told her that I invested in them years ago - my four-legged hot water bottles. I made her laugh with my story snippets of how Maverick's head keeps my toes warm with his huge head thrown across my feet or breathing his warm, pumpkin-laced breath (they had some for dinner) on them. And how Kali waits 'til I'm all comfy and settled in, staring at me intent(se)ly, just waiting for the second I'll lift the corner and let her nose-dive in...and we'll sleep all curled up together, me on my side, her in the hollow between legs and belly.

Yes, as much as they've made me crazy at times and how I've had moments of wanting to be dog-free, my 'kids' do indeed mean the world to me. They're over-indulged and terrifcally spoiled, but then so was I by my wonder-parents. So, no, well-intentioned, indulgent 'parenting' is not something I see as a bad thing...I'm also good at boundary-setting. Well, mostly. ;)

SIDENOTES: I'll have to post about 'boundaries', aka rules, sometime. I was told this past weekend by a wonderful galpal that I like rules - a lot. Which is funny, because I never thought of myself as a rule-wanter/needer. I sure do appreciate boundaries; just never thought of them as "rules." Weird, right?

Friday, January 05, 2007

Top 5 - dog breeds...

I'm sure it'll surprise some of y'all, but Lydia and I were talking about dogs when we had brunch today. Yes, yes, it's true. Sometimes, I talk a lot about canines. Ha! Understatement, eh? Well, today we were talking about breeds, the potential breed ban a Queens Councilman is proposing, and breeds we love, like, dislike, etc.

Ok, ok, so it was really just ME saying that there were some breeds I just don't 'do.' Lydia's "that" girl that really does love all dogs, just finds some more difficult to work with than others and has preferences. Me? I just flat out don't like some breeds; I can be black and very white like that. True, I'm coming around to the smaller dogs, but, but, but...well, crap. I'm a liar. There are some dogs - small and breeds that I don't typically 'do' - that have snuck into my heart...oooo - I have my own type of heartworms.

On that note, here are my top 5 lists for this week - breeds I looooove and breeds I'm workin' on lovin':

1. Coonhounds
2. German Pointers - Short- and Wire-haired
3. Irish Wolfhounds
4. Dobermans
5. Great Danes

Working on lovin':
1. Beagles
2. Chihuahuas
3. Jack Russells
4. Italian Greyhounds - I'd break 'em
5. Anything that weighs in the single digits (seriously - is that really a dog?)

Gawd help whomever I grow up to marry and have kids with - 2- and 4-legged...he's gonna have to be a patient, patient man with a LOTTA room for dawgs in his heart!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Minor confession...

So, I haven't told anyone this out loud or in-person...but, um, I'm not so J-free as I was a couple weeks ago. In fact, as soon as I posted that, there was some communication the very next day. Yes, I jinxed it.

Color me guilty.

* And I'll know who's reading this if it comes up in conversation. ;)